An Adventurer's Mate

A blog of adventure, tales of daring, and all the thrills and spills of my life!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

So, where am I today?

Today, I'm writing to you from a small room in Deadfast's family mansion somewhere in the north of London.

I can't reveal the exact location... last time I gave someone our address, she passed it on to one of our many enemies and... well, let's just say it didn't go well for the rose bushes.
It wasn't my fault... she had been allowing me to buy her drinks all night, and she seemed willing enough to come home with me for the night (purely for conversation, you understand).

I went to the cloakroom before leaving, and when I returned she was nowhere to be seen.
Another mystery in my life.
Oh well.

Deadfast wasn't pleased... it was our first night home to the U.K in three months, and he had expected me to polish his shoes.
I had slipped out in the morning to fetch some boot polish, and had somehow (ahem) wandered into a bar.
These things happen.

Anyhoo... here I am typing to you, and just as I'm about to tell you about our LAST adventure, I can hear Deadfast marching up the driveway, so I have to go!

Be back soon, I hope!



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