An Adventurer's Mate

A blog of adventure, tales of daring, and all the thrills and spills of my life!

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Unexpected Events...

Well, that was a surprise.

As I mentioned earlier, Deadfast was indeed coming up the drive way.
I wish he wouldn't do that... it's hell on the paving out there. The amount of scrubbing I've had to do of late is UNBELIEVABLE.

I digress.

When he got into the mansion, I met him in the hallway and he had a grin on his face.

"Walter," he slurred. "I've made a bet."

This, trust me, was not going to lead to good things.
The last bet he made involved a male dance troupe from Berlin, an ostrich, and a small frozen turkey.
It wasn't pretty, and I didn't sit down for a week...

"I've made a bet."
"What kind of bet?" I asked, guiding him to his favourite chair.
"One that I am sure we can win!" he laughed gleefully, wriggling out of my grasp and doing a little jig on the carpet. "Whoo-hoo!"
"Ok, is there any chance you can describe this bet in a little more detail?"

He then collapsed, and is still asleep there on the floor.

I should, really carry him up to his bedroom and put him into his bedtime clothes.
To be honest, though, I can smell his faeces from here and the maid is in at 7am.
I'll leave it to her to find him.

I wonder what this bet could be?
I've only just settled back into being in England.
I was hoping to catch the football this weekend. Oh well.



At 11:34 pm, Blogger Walter said...

Hey, you seem to have been around a bit... travelling, as it were.. so do YOU know the way to Amarillo?

At 11:48 pm, Blogger katehopeeden said...

"so do YOU know the way to Amarillo?"

There is an Amarillo in the panhandle of Texas, lol.

Interesting blog.. I will have to check back...

At 1:53 am, Blogger LMB said...

Thanks for the kind words and the visit, Walter.

At 9:42 pm, Blogger Walter said...

I think Tony Christie now knows the way to Amarillo.


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