An Adventurer's Mate

A blog of adventure, tales of daring, and all the thrills and spills of my life!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Anyone seen an adventurer?

Um... I've lost Deadfast.

That may sound odd, but it's accurate.
I don't know where he is.

After we got kicked-off the ocean liner at that port, I managed to get us onboard a cargo ship that was heading to Ramsgate, on the South Coast of England.
It wasn't very big, and we were required to do some manual work to pay our way (yes, as is his usual way of making things worse, Deadfast had lost all of our money in a game of "Slap Mother Brown" with the harbour master), but it would see us home in a day or so.
Or so I thought.

Come nightfall, however, and with Deadfast complaining that he smelt of fish, the crew seemd to take a dislike to us and tried to throw us overboard.
A scuffle broke out, and I managed to take control of the boat (there was only a crew of seven, so I wasn't a fair fight for them, really...).
I cast the crew away in a dinghy, and only then did I stop to think "Hang on; I haven't been asked to fetch a drink in at least twenty minutes!"

I turned the boat upside down, but to no avail.
I even turned it around and went back over the sea we'd just covered, but I couldn't see him floating about anywhere.
I called the coastguard but, oddly, they wouldn't come out to help. They did say something about Deadfast owing them money, however, which might explain it.
I thought about calling a friend in the Royal Navy, and then remembered the incident with the submarine (don't EVER ask about that - it took me three weeks of therapy before I could even get in a bath again).

So, with little else to do, I headed for home.

I'm sitting here now, wondering just what to do.
If anyone sees a drunk and confused-looking Englishman (possibly in a dressing gown) let me know!



At 9:36 pm, Blogger sarah said...

where do you get this?


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