An Adventurer's Mate

A blog of adventure, tales of daring, and all the thrills and spills of my life!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Frogmen and fishing nets.

I've been in the loch for most of the night, with a torch and a harppon gun.
I kid you not.

Deadfast, in his infinite wisdom, thought I should "...smell nice for Nessie!".
So, he sprayed me with blood that he picked-up from a local butcher.
I'm sure Nessie would be a vegetarian; the amount of fish in the loch wouldn't support a large mammal like the supposed beast so, like some whales, the "monster" would no doubt survive on algae and water-based plant life.
Not Walter-based!

Anyhoo, I was minding my own business swimming in the loch (it's quite peacful down there... very dark, mind you, but peaceful) when I felt something snag my leg.
I turned, and just saw a blur as I was yanked up towards the surface....

.... only to find myself suspended above the surface of the water, moments later, with my left leg caught in the net of a Deadfast's boat.

For a brief moment, I'll be honest here, I thought my time was up...


At 7:45 pm, Blogger sarah said...

ooo.. i'm on pins and needles!

At 9:02 pm, Blogger Walter said...

Isn't that uncomfortable?
What you need is a nice bean bag.
Ikea do some lovely ones...

At 2:44 am, Blogger sarah said...

i just want to know what's next..

literal norton.. this is your new nic-name.


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