An Adventurer's Mate

A blog of adventure, tales of daring, and all the thrills and spills of my life!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Loch Ness, vomit, and my left foot.

I'm here in bonnie Scotland.
The sky is blue, a little overcast and cloudy, but it isn't as bad as I expected it to be...

I'll not bore you with details, but suffice to say we have a large motorhome all to ourselves, and we're parked-up by the loch.
It's quite nice and peaceful, actually.

Until next week, when the minature submarine that Deadfast asked for arrives.
Along with the boat, and research equipmen.
And chef.

Yes, chef.
Deadfast hasn't changed his mind, and we've been forced to ply local authorities with money and gifts so that we can explore the loch.
They don't know his plan to cook the damn beast...


At 7:29 pm, Blogger sarah said...

i still want you to answer my question.

is he going to eat it in one go? or is he going to try ol' nessy prepared a few different ways?

heheee.. i wish you'd write more walter. this really is a great site!

At 9:39 pm, Blogger katehopeeden said...

You need a camera, I would love some pictures to go with your stories!! Scotland - I am convered in envy!

At 11:01 am, Blogger Walter said...

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At 11:01 am, Blogger Walter said...

I always wanted to go to Scotland.
Give us some pics, man!


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