An Adventurer's Mate

A blog of adventure, tales of daring, and all the thrills and spills of my life!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

A missing drunkard

I went back to the cave.

He wasn't there.



At 4:54 pm, Blogger katehopeeden said...

Of course he wasn't!
I am curiously waiting to find out where the hell he went this time.
You think that you would know better since he is frequently running amuck.

At 6:51 pm, Blogger LMB said...

Why don't you just tie a bell on that goofy fucker so you can keep track of him. Or perhaps an ear clamp with a homing beacon?

At 8:15 pm, Blogger sarah said...

i think he got abducted by Nessy.. and the monster is currently talking him OUT of the fricisee..

At 10:46 am, Blogger Walter said...

Or, he's been eaten by cave-people.... sorry, just seen "The Descent" and it freaked me out.
Good movie.
Great blog, too... although surely by now you'd have stopped being this guy's lackey.
What does he have on you, huh, Wart?
Blackmailing you, isn't he?
Want me to send the boys round?

I don't have or know any "boys" but I have a suspicion that Desolation Angel does...

At 3:32 pm, Blogger katehopeeden said...

I don't have or know any "boys" but I have a suspicion that Desolation Angel does...
I wouldn't be surprised if DA does have some boys...

At 8:41 am, Blogger Neel said...

i have had many of these experiences. he will turn up, perhaps he already has.


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