An Adventurer's Mate

A blog of adventure, tales of daring, and all the thrills and spills of my life!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

An old tale of ours...

As an aside...


At 10:43 pm, Blogger Walter said...

This was an old tale of ours, written by a friend and totally fabricated... well, there was a vague truth in there, but it's been lost now!

Oh well.

Bloody Deadfast.... had to have the story written so he looked good, didn't he?

At 3:33 pm, Blogger katehopeeden said...

very interesting :)
I especially liked:
"What is it, you infuriating chimp-abuser?"
"That only happened once."
"Really? I thought I'd dreamt it."
"You dream of me, Sir?"
"Only when I drink Absinthe, Walter."
"You have Absinthe?"
"Not any more, no."


"Walter! Why have I turned all red?"
"You are hot, sir."
"Why, thank you."
"No, no...I meant that you are hot, sir."
"I heard you the first time, my repeating companion."


At 2:15 am, Blogger sarah said...

walter.. have i mentioned how much i adore reading this site??

i do. really.

At 4:58 am, Blogger Walter said...

Well, I'm glad the tales from my hum-drum life amuse and entertain.

Hurrah, and huzzah.
Maybe I should go and work for DF again?
I've been sitting on my arse masturbating over internet porn a little too much, to be honest, since I've had alot of spare time on my hands.... along with vaseline, bits of toilet tissue, and that white stuff you get when a chap slaps his chap.
So to speak.

Good old DF... he's great, he really is.
I love that man; DEADFAST IS GREAT!
You should all send him money.
And whiskey.
And Absinthe; I've been reminded that I haven't had any in a while, and that blasted Walter ran off with my liquor cabinet key!
All because I told him I was giving up the booze!
I'd came down with UmBongo disease; he didn't write THAT in his little blog, did he!?!
Where is that little git?

At 5:11 am, Blogger Walter said...

That no-good, two-faced, lying little weasle!

As you may have realised, that last "comment" was actually written by Deadfast!
I had wandered off downstairs to chat with Chef, and get myself a sandwich (I really don't like the staff Deadfast emplypoys... I'm sure they have it in for me. "Infamy, infamy, they've all got it in for me!"
Anyway, I came back to my room and saw that SOMEONE had been on my laptop, and had been writing on here... and soon, like the Three Bears discovering their phantom porridge eater, I found the culprit... Deadfast.
He was asleep in my wardrobe.
Dressed in a kangaroo outfit.

I presume he is drinking again... *weary sigh*
I'm going to put him to bed... his OWN bed... now, so I'll no doubt be back later on.
Stay tuned, blog-fans!

At 5:12 am, Blogger Walter said...

Oh yes;

Thank you; it's nice to know someone somewhere sympathises with my life!

You actually READ that account of our Golden Monkey related adventure?
I'm impressed!

At 4:07 pm, Blogger katehopeeden said...

I am staying tuned, as it were... :)

At 7:45 pm, Blogger sarah said...

i didn't get a chance to finish the golden chimp, but what i did read was hilarious.

At 7:47 pm, Blogger sarah said...

i got to this point:

Outside, the Chimpotaur was roaring and shaking, and playing with itself.

then, i had to get back to work.

after i stopped laughing of course. i'm glad you weren't killed!

At 8:47 am, Blogger Walter said...

There actually WAS a Chimpotaur.
It wasn't quite as dramatic as in the story (as I said, the ever-so-shy Deadfast made sure the story was written up with added drama!), but it was still a mean monkey!


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