An Adventurer's Mate

A blog of adventure, tales of daring, and all the thrills and spills of my life!

Monday, September 05, 2005

A movie viewed

I've just got in from the "Pride & Prejudice" premier in Leicester Square.

Keira Knightley, in her infinite stalking madness, sent me two tickets to the bloody thing.
Can you believe it!

So, Deadfast and I (come on, who else was I going to ask?) spent a thrilling evening hob-nobbing with the hoi polloi in London.
Until, mid-way through the movie, Deadfast broke wind loudly, stood up and declared that:
"That Elizabeth woman deserves a punch in the hooter!" and stormed out.

The half of the movie I saw seemed quite good (better than the BBC drama version, perhaps, even with no Colin Firth!), but I had to go after him so missed the rest.

Keira, for her part, ignored me completely.
But someone did keep throwing popcorn at me, so I can only guess that it was she.

The cow.


At 4:22 pm, Blogger katehopeeden said...

Yeah... but where was Jude Law?

At 12:23 pm, Blogger Walter said...

No doubt seducing his nanny.

But not Nanny Mcphee... that'd be wrong.

At 7:42 pm, Blogger sarah said...

i don't know what it is about remaking every movie ever made.

when will they remake sense and sensibility. pick someone instead of emma thompson. although she was probably more brilliant in that role than any other actress could be. perhaps keira will do it. the whore.

i saw her licking your ear. i'm surprised you couldn't feel it.

yeah.. i was there.

At 8:49 pm, Blogger LMB said...

Yeah, I was there, too. Enjoy the popcorn?

At 2:31 pm, Blogger Walter said...

She didn't lick my ear... that was her friend.

And the popcorn was free, but salty.

That's never good.

At 10:14 am, Blogger sarah said...


write some more walter.


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